Friday, October 06, 2006

I'm a Layman, Ignorant of the Ways of the Law, but I'm Going to Guess He Did It against the Advice of Counsel

A Chicago man apologized for spreading his feces around a courtroom during his trial on drug charges.

Vandale Amos Willis, 28, apologized Wednesday before being sentenced to more than 10 years in prison. Willis was convicted earlier of importation of a controlled substance, cocaine, and two other charges.

Granted, if a jury pronounced me guilty of importing cocaine, I'd shit myself, too -- no question. What I can't figure out is how Mr. Willis went from shitting to shit-spreading, as I was under the impression, spreading feces was frowned upon by the justice system and that bailiffs and such were trained to lay the smackdown on someone in the midst of a shit-spreading before said someone could give a courtroom a proper skid marking.

Silly me.


Blogger reenee said...

Perhaps he did it quietly, you know, before it hit the air?

6:57 PM  

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