Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Things You Don't Want to Hear During Sex: “The Baby Just Kicked”

Hey, I'm Rebecca. I'm single and eight-months pregnant; so, I've only got a couple of weeks to do everything I've never done: Kiss some women, travel, or look for a new hobby, learn how to tie interesting knots. In my case, I've never had a wild phase, so I'm just going to lay a lot of dudes.…

So, good news, I've finally found someone to have sex with me. His name is Cal. I met him at a party. He seems nice. And in honor of trying new things, I have decided to wax my lady parts, 'cause let's be honest, I haven't seen that area in months.…


On that note, here we go:

Cal: Come on! Let's do this! Come on, big lady! Come on, come on! Give it up!.
[They high five, Rebecca, reluctantly.]
Yeah, now, come on over here.

Let's just backdoor this.

Rebecca: Okay.

Cal: Slow it down. Yeah.

Rebecca: That actually feels nice.

Cal: Yeah? You like that?

Rebecca: Yeah. Ooh.

Cal: All right. Coming in now.

Rebecca: OH! [in obvious pain] Fuck!

Cal: What?

Rebecca: Shit. Ah, okay. [bends over to lean on the bed for support.]

Cal: Oh, yeah! [obviously has the wrong idea]

Rebecca: No, no. [straightening up] No, no. I'm sorry. My boobs, they get really sore, and, um, they leak a little.

Cal: [clearly disgusted] Did you say, “Leak?”

Rebecca: I think, I'll probably feel more comfortable leaving this on for some support. So I hope that's not weird.

Cal: No problem: I totally get it. My shirt never comes off when I do The Nasty.

Rebecca: Really?

Cal: That's a fact. I've got a mole the size of a fist.

Rebecca: I'm okay with you leaving your shirt on.

Apparently, pregnant women lose half their pubic hair. Good to know.


Blogger reenee said...

That might be one of the funnier laugh out loud things I've ever seen.

11:47 PM  

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