Tuesday, September 14, 2004

"Conditions Are Deteriorating, Dwight..."

Obviously the sensible move is to broadcast from the protected lee of a strong building, but for that you could get fired.

Your producer will instead order you to step into the teeth of the storm, whree you risk being clobbered by flying glass, coconuts, shingles, patio furniture of surfboards.

This is an act of utter derangement, but it makes for amusing
television. If you survive, your next mission will be to find and film a major piece of hurricane debris--the money shot.

Remember, your viewers' expectations are high. They've watched
that big slow mother whorling across th eDoppler for a week, and they've been primed for devastation on a biblical scale.

Take no chances. Proceed immediately to the nearest trailer park, being extra careful not to crash into other TV crews on the way.

&mdash from Carl Hiaasen's The Handbook for Roving Hurricane Correspondents

Having lived through a couple of these in the recent past &mdash terrifying hurricanes, not terrifying weather broadcasts &mdash I can say with a high degree of certainty that this is all too accurate.


Blogger Circa Bellum said...

Assault weapons, GOOOOD! Hurricanes, BAAAADDD!

What a great blog, thanks!

6:42 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Thanks. I appreciate the feedback.

11:48 PM  

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