Wednesday, August 02, 2006

**It Means, "Fuck You"

A 39-year-old gentleman, clothed in boxer shorts, was arrested after punching through a plate glass window with his his fist to gain ingress to a McDonalds quick service restaurant at 3am. Police were quick to arrive on the scene, but their attempts to capture Adalberto Cardoso were foiled, because he was covered in perspiration and his own blood, making him too slippery to grip.

Police surrounded Mr. Cardoso inside the restaurant but he escaped by jumping through a broken window. Outside, Mr. Cardoso encountered a police dog, punched it in the mouth and neck, and jumped back through the broken window into the restaurant.

The police re-entered the restaurant and found Mr. Cardoso standing on top of a shake machine. As the police approached, Mr. Cardoso 'began throwing handfuls of milkshake at the police and the police dog, officers allege.'

When Mr. Cardoso pulled the machine from the wall, the dog attacked him and knocked him to the ground. The quick-thinking Mr. Cardoso put the shake machine's 220-volt power cord in his mouth and announced, 'I'm going to kill us all.'

Do you know why I'm not a police officer?* Because had I been at the scene of this crime, when he said, "I'm going to kill us all," I would've said something like, "What?! Sir, I can't understand a word you're saying. You're going to have to take the cord out of your mouth," assuming that he would've given me the time to get that out and assuming I weren't already incapacitated with laughter by the milkshake assault.

*For those of you who shouted, "Because you've got all the courage of Frenchman," va te faire foutre!**


Blogger reenee said...

So did he get fries with that?

6:46 PM  

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