Saturday, January 15, 2005

"How Do I Love Thee, ..."

You guys know how easily I fall in love. Well, ...:

I finally told him to fuck off. That he'll never be the man I need, never be good enough for me. That the only thing I wanted to hear from him ever again is "Here's the money I owe you." Hell, I don't even care if he adds "bitch" to the end of that."

...I'm in love again.

I can't help it. There are simply too many good women out there for me to fall for just one.


Blogger Circa Bellum said...

all she wants is a regular fuck. Is that too much for a girl to ask?

While we're on the subject of interesting internet girls we'll never meet, check out

I felt the need to point out to my teenage son that her college degree held her back and now she works in a drugstore photo processing counter. I think he dug the fact that you get to look at nekkid pictures...

7:00 AM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

I know she says that's all she wants on her blog, but I like to think that's only because she hasn't be exposed to the wonder that is Biff Loman. Believe it or not, I can be quite the charmer, all blog evidence to the contrary. A few drinks, a few dinners, a few conversations, I could make her want much, much more than just sex from a relationship.

And if any of that were true, I wouldn't be as single as I am for as long as I have been.

Did I mention that, in addition to being quite charming, I am also more than a little delusional? It's, actually, the source of my charm.

1:24 PM  
Blogger Circa Bellum said...

I feel your pain, buddy. Every woman I ever tried to woo ended up wanting much more than sex from the realtionship, too.

Much more. So much more, in fact, that they developed relationships with other men and left me.

I considered it a stroke of genius when I finally took matters in hand a bought the little bride from her father in Albania with a used pick up truck. It's been quite the bargain. Not only am I not pressured to have sex anymore, but I get to do the cooking and the cleaning as well.

There's hope for you Bifferson, there's hope.

2:50 PM  

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