Thursday, April 28, 2005

Southern Dialect Quiz

Maud Newton re-discovered this quiz. Originally, it was part of a Harvard research study on dialect in the United States. I encountered it after the study was finished, so my answered didn't factor into the results. For fun, the researchers left it up, so people could see where their various dialects, patois, or whatevers placed them, and where dialects, formerly tied to distinct regions, were moving to. And then, one day, they took it down. Well, someone has resurrected it.

You will be comforted to know Seattle has had little effect on me: "78% (Dixie). That's a pretty strong score!" Of course, I've only been here for two months.

Ms. Newton, who's been away from the Magnolias and the honeysuckle, the greens and the cornbread, the winding roads and meandering conversations, the ethereal beauty and heart-breaking reality of our native land for much longer, is slipping. Bless her heart.


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