Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Can You Believe Gay Men and Women Want In on This?

“Being Bobby Brown,” the reality show spotlighting the R&B singer whose rap sheet might be longer than his catalog, is undoubtedly the most disgusting and execrable series ever to ooze its way onto television.


What gives “Bobby” that dismal distinction?

Is it the lionizing of a lowlife convicted of failing to pay child support for his out-of-wedlock kids, drunk driving and a cocaine-related parole violation? (And let’s not forget his spousal “slap-boxing” arrest.) Is it his insufferable ego (he calls his son, Bobby Jr., “special to me because he carries my name”)? Is it his constant crude comments (he tells wife Whitney Houston to “bring that ass in quick. I’m going to show you what I’m going to do with it.”)? Or is it just his disgusting persona as, in the second episode, he speaks of removing excrement from his wife’s derriere? (No, I’m not going to quote him.)

It’s all that, and then some."

Sometimes, it takes more than just love to make a marriage work. Sometimes, it takes a relunctant bowel, a little lube, and a lot of pharmacy-grade cocaine. Don't judge.


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