Monday, July 17, 2006

I Could Sooooooo Be the Press Secretary for These United States

A microphone picked up an unaware President Bush saying on Monday Syria should press Hizbollah to 'stop doing this shit' as they discussed the upsurge in violence in the Middle East.

White House spokesman Tony Snow immediately confirmed to the press corps that the president had, indeed, said, "shit," adding that he was pretty sure the president, a born-again Christian, was using it in the strict New Testament sense of the word. "You know," he concluded, "as Christ used it."


Blogger reenee said...

Do you suppose that was before or after he grabbed the not very pleased German chick?

8:41 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Since I'm fairly sure he's use to not pleasing women, I'm going to say before. I don't think having the chancellor recoil from touch had anything to do with this slip of the lips.

9:41 PM  

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