Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Game Blouses

2. For a man to succeed, his woman must not. She really just wants a boyfriend and isn’t that talented anyway, so it’s cool.

Purple Rain sets up the Kid and Apollonia as classic lovers as well as rivals—the original Petruchio and Kate, or perhaps an early Marc Anthony and J-Lo. But rather than having them both succeed and still stay together, the Kid shines and Apollonia is left without a career but nonetheless elated because she kept her man. This ending is all the more fitting since Apollonia’s performance of the girl group’s song, “Sex Shooter,” reveals a lack of talent that not even lingerie costumes can conceal. . . . The contrast between Apollonia’s abilities and Prince’s would make doves cry.

"A lack of talent that not even lingerie costumes can conceal":
That's just crazy talk.


Blogger reenee said...

As you know by now Biff, we live for crazy talk.

7:47 PM  

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