Wednesday, January 03, 2007

For Some Reason, I'm Remembering The People Who Made Fun of Me When I Got My First Period. It's their Screams I Remember Most. Good Times, Good Times

In December I went to the Bazaar Bizarre craft show in Los Angeles. My favorite thing there was the cakewalk, which featured a number of beautiful and odd cakes. Shown here: the Carrie cake.

And if someone could make a Linda Blair Soft Ice Cream Machine that spat pistachio ice cream out of the nozzle of its spinning head, while a recording played that part from the movie where she screams, "Your mother cooks socks in Hell (or something to that effect)," I would totally get one.

Who doesn't like cake and ice cream?


Blogger reenee said...

That's a really cool looking cake, in an appalling sort of way.

And of course. . . everyone screams for ice cream.

11:14 PM  
Blogger LeeSee said...

Cool cake, however once upon a time long ago and faraway, my fellow bakers and I became so drunk we made a giant penis cake, for real.

We were drunk by noon, worked all day on making Christmas cookies, sobered up and were drunk again by 6:00pm.

After a while we called reinforcements, and they got drunk too and one of the bakers in particular, molested the guy who lived there in the house.

It wasn't me, I was sobering up in the Jacuzzi with a bottle of wine.

Don't you love the holiday season?

11:36 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

I'd love the holiday season if it meant getting molested by drunk women with penis cake.

No, for me, the season means charity work -- helping the poor realize their dreams of owning homes; reading stories to the blind, Braille-illiterate orphans; and training helper monkeys to change the diapers of the old and incontinent. But that's because i didn't know it could mean something else, and now I am kicking myself.

I missed out on perversion.

And cake.

11:53 PM  

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