Tuesday, February 12, 2008

If I Believed in Karma, I Wouldn't Be Able to Leave My House

No surprise: fucked up version of FISA bill passed by senate, but there still are some democratic heroes. [Note: All is not lost since the disgusting senate version of FISA has to be reconciled with the House version that does not allow the telecom companies to escape punishment for their criminal act of abetting this administration's violation of our 4th amendment rights.] …

So here's where we are at: Harry Reid and about a dozen and a half democratic senators refused to do their job/caved to their corprate masters and sold us down the river. Fortunately, the house passed a version of FISA earlier that does not allow AT&T et al. to get out of jail free, and the house and senate bills will have to be reconciled. That is, this fight isn't over til it's over. I guess that's it, yes? Oh wait, there is one more juicy bit from Tagaris: 6.) At the risk of being called an Obama fanboy, he stepped up today. When he could have been campaigning and attempting to secure more delegates in a close Presidential election, he was in the Senate…voting.

Hillary Clinton, was not there to vote on these amendments—despite all the grand press releases sent out over the course of the effort.

Damn. Talk about Karma biting you in the ass (which no one who actually believes in Karma would). Senator Clinton rode Obama's ass over his voting (or not voting) record in the Illinois Senate, and now, she's got a no-show vote on a key bill in the U.S. Senate during her presidential campaign. Ouch.

That's going to leave a mark.


Blogger reenee said...

That's going to leave a mark.

It did.

8:09 PM  

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