Wednesday, April 23, 2008

“I'll Have a Mocha Labia Latte. Hold the Foam”

A barista called 911 to report that she and a co-worker were being harassed by a customer at Espresso Gone Wild, where workers in revealing outfits serve the coffee drinks.

The 18- and 19-year-old baristas said a pickup truck carrying three men drove up and they ordered several drinks on Wednesday. All three were recognized as regulars at the coffee stand near the interchange of Highway 3 and Highway 16 in Gorst.

The barista said that she saw a passenger in the front seat pull a digital camera out of the glove box while he waited for his order. She warned him that photos weren't allowed, and that if he took any she'd call 911 and report harassment.

"I don't care," he said, and then took several pictures, according the a police report.

It must have been Pastie Day. You always see the degenerates on Pastie Day.


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