Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Of Course, I'm Joking about Everything, but the Hyundai. (I Never Joke about the Hyundai)

From Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly, comes Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Neil Patrick Harris stars as Dr. Horrible, an aspiring super-villain, whose attempts at villainy are constantly thwarted by his nemesis, the heroic Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion). He must take his efforts to the next level in order to get into the Evil League of Evil while also mustering the courage to talk to Penny (Felicia Day), the girl at the laundromat. And it's a musical.

I know what you think. You think it must be nice to be as cool and as suave and as sexually charged and desired as I am. And although it's hard having to be hipper-than-thou all the time and it can be difficult to work in my office given the havoc my raw sexual energy has on the ladies—when I dare to wear a fitted t-shirt, all the orgasming can leave the place smelling like the monkey cage during mating season— I have to tell you, being me is much better than anything you can imagine.

But I'll try to help you. Imagine Shaft with a blog and a 1993 Hyundai Elantra (4-door). It's that nice.

Some days, though, I have to put all that aside and get in touch with my inner nerd. Today is one of those days.

And my inner nerd loves Buffy and Firefly's Joss Whedon and he adores Undercover Brother'sNeil Patrick Harris. And even though he hates musicals, he loves this, Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog

Get in touch with your inner nerd, and check it out.


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