Thursday, August 07, 2008

So Dainty, in Fact, that I Raise My Little Finger to Fart

Diaroogle helps you find quality public toilets from your mobile phone. ∼

It's for the discerning, on-the-go defecator who is brave enough to use a public bathroom, but still demands a hygienic and private bathroom experience. It is also a community authored database of New York toilets.

Good luck to you,

I have the Hercules of sphincters working the velvet rope of my backdoor playhouse—Shout out: “Dude, keep on doing what you do”—so I'm rarely in a situation where I have to defecate on-the-go. In those situations—illness, food poisoning, recent, poorly lubed DRE with Dr. Pig-Knuckles—I am at the mercy of the excreting public and their toilet habits, and the next time I am, I'll be grateful for a service like Diaroogle.

Under normal circumstances, though, it's not a big concern of mine. Don't take this for snootiness, but the occasion is rare—rare, indeed—when the reflection of my anal moonflower is cast upon the calm, cool waters of a public bowl. What can I tell you? I'm dainty.


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