Friday, October 17, 2008

I Expect Obama to Channel Jackie Childs on Nov. 5: “This is the Most Public of My Many Humiliations”

Seth Myers: As Barack Obama gains momentum, some Democrats are worried about the Bradley Effect, a term named after former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, an African American who lost the election for governor despite showing a significant lead in the polls.

Here to comment is the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

Jesse Jackson: Greetings, Seth and Amy.

The Bradley Effect is a reality that is, both, unavoidable and unequivocal. It is a phenomenon that we all hope will not become an obama-non. According to a recent CNN/Yahoo! poll, when voters are asked “Would you elect an African American president?” 87 percent responded “Yes.” But when asked a follow-up question “Really?” the number dropped to 30 percent.

And that's still more than I would have guessed. Progress, is what I'm saying.


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