Monday, October 25, 2004

To Quote George Constanza, "It's Like a Dry Heave Set to Music"

There are some dance steps that are so controversial, so provocative, that we've received strongly worded messages from state and local governments to not go into too much detail about them here. These dances include the impossibly taboo "Lambada," ...

Ah, the Lambada, the forbidden dance, much like the Loman Cabbage Patch, although that one's forbidden for aesthetic reasons.


Blogger Astrid said...

Haha .. well, dancing, there should be no rules to it!!! I mean there is no feeling like dancing the night away after a hard day of work! As long as you don't bother other people, why not just dance the way you feel like, right? *Astrid dances the lambada ... Astrid-style!!!*

11:57 AM  

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