Thursday, October 21, 2004

Y'all Come See Us, Ya' Hear

This article has a couple of examples of the character of the people of my home state.

For one,

Ray turned to Gell's mother, Jeanette Johnson: "Ma'am, for 10 years I've hated you, for all that you did for your son. I've wanted you in hell. And I'm sorry."

when we're wrong, we apologize. We apologize good and hard.


One bar councilor asked Johnson why he had not contacted Gell during his investigation.

"Mr. Gell is not the complainant in this matter," Johnson said.

The crowd's laughter cut Johnson off. Minutes later, Humphrey, the bar president, tried to back up Johnson.

"The victim is the system," Humphrey said, to more laughter.

we're not an educated people by any government measure. We don't know the law or much else that would qualify as book-learnin', but we do know bullshit when we hear it, which makes us lots of fun to be around.

So if you're in the neighborhood, ...


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