"Tell Us about the Two-Pump Chump, Grandma! Tell Us about the Two-Pump Chump!"
She is one of 10,000 prostitutes in Berlin and 400,000 in Germany, where prostitution is legal. Dolle said she tried to work in a popular red light district nearby recently but was chased away by younger competitors.
Well, that'll happen when you work the streets without a pimp. Say what you will about the abuse and exploitation inherent in the pimping system, but the protection it offers can stop this sort of ageism from occuring. If Dolle had had a pimp, she would be tea bagging and corn-holing her way to a fatter IRA right now, because a pimp would have gone gansta' on those young ho's, pimp-slapping the lot of them until his geriatric groin grinder was the last ho' standing. You grandmothers out there take note.
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