Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"I Know Jayson Blair. I Taught Jayson Blair. You, Sir, Are No Jayson Blair"

I could do that. I could shill for the government, although I'd hold out for the big bucks that the conservatice columnists get paid under the table for lecturing the rest of us on morality and honesty and the issues. (Maybe I couldn't do it to justify and flimflam the aching world on a rotten war that's killed by the thousands, but if there were some small item in the transportation bill they need someone to stooge for, send me a check, boys.)

Phbbt! Well, it doesn't sound like you've got what it takes to do this kind of work. It sounds like your got standards and scruples and ethics and stuff. You'll never cut it in the shill game.

I, on the other hand, was suckled on moral relativism, gnawed the teat of postmodern irony sore till I was decades old. There's nothing I won't do, because there is nothing I can't justify.

Bring it on!


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