Thursday, March 16, 2006

Because, Sometimes, "NO," Means, "NOT SO HARD" and "For Back There, Use Lube, Please"

FRED DE SAM LAZARO: Napoli says most abortions are performed for what he calls 'convenience.' He insists that exceptions can be made for rape or incest under the provision that protects the mother's life. I asked him for a scenario in which an exception may be invoked.

BILL NAPOLI: A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life.

When asked for a definition of the anagram SOL (Shit Out of Luck), Napoli said, "That would be a woman who's had just one lover, who hasn't felt god's love in her life in a while -- but especially not when she was being sodomized with a coke bottle -- a woman without organized religion who's now carrying the child of the man who removed her clitoris with a vice grip (so she wouldn't "enjoy what he was going to do"), raped her, and then did that thing with the Coke bottle. Yep, that woman would be SOL.


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