Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Eew (and Oh, To Be an Intern Again)

Illinois Pork Producers' Association
6411 South 6th Street Rd
Springfield, IL 62707-8630


Each day as I sit in the diner opposite my house, eating my bacon and drinking my milk, I wonder: why don't we drink pig milk? . . .

Thank you very much.

Guy Petzall

Guy Petzall
1949 Henderson
Chicago, IL 60657
Dear Guy:

I was excited to hear that each day you sit down to a meal of bacon, because today's pork products are 31% leaner than they were ten years ago. Pork is delicious and very healthy as many physicians recognize it as a very important source of protein. But the opportunity they present to the dairy industry is very limited. . . .

The biggest challenge facing the porcine dairy industry is collecting the product. Pigs on average have fourteen teats as opposed to cows that have four teats. Pigs also differ from cows in their milk ejection time, a cows milk ejection is stimulated by the hoimone oxytocin and can last ten minutes, where as a pig's milk ejection time only last fifleen seconds as the suckling pigs stimulate the release of oxytoc in. . . .

I hope I have answered your questions and I encourage you to think about developing a pig milking machine as you eat your bacon in the fixture.

Good Luck

Bradley Wolter
Pork Quality Assurance Intern


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