Monday, December 11, 2006

Yes, I Went to Canada. Yes, the US Let Me Back In. Yes, I Am as Surprised as You Are

Canadian Customs Official: And what is the nature of your visit, Mr. Loman?

Me: Vengeance.

Canadian Customs Official
: Pardon me?

Me: A little over one hundred fifty years ago, a group of slaves made an escape to Canada on the Underground Railroad. When it became obvious that the entire group couldn't make it, one group, the Lomans, agreed to stay behind, allowed themselves to be captured, so the rest could get away, based on the promise that as soon as it was humanly possible, the others would return for them and lead them to freedom. Well, they never came back. After all this time, you'd think we'd just let it go, but, no. My family has a bone to pick with a few of your "Canadians." I've come to pick a bone.

Canadian Customs Official: Erm. . . [reaching for a phone]

Me: Tourism. I've come to see the sights.

Canadian Customs Official: Enjoy your stay in Canada, Mr. Loman.


Blogger LeeSee said...

This looks freezing cold, why on earth would you go to a cold place? Love? Gambling?

9:36 AM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Business. My company rented a catamaran and sailed up to Victoria for our office holiday party. My boss just wanted to try something different than usual, usual being renting out a restaurant and drinking and eating and flirting like little cubicle Caligulas. Actually, I was the only one doing that last year. Now that I think about it, I was probably the reason we had to go to Canada.

So remember Biff is the reason for celebrating the season in Canada. That's true wherever you are.

2:20 PM  
Blogger reenee said...

Joking with/about co-workers while wearing thermals and drinking Brandy can be lots and lots of fun.

7:20 PM  

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