Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Actually, All That Techno-Babble Is a Smoke Screen. All I'm Really Thinking Is, "Ooh, Pretty," i.e., I'm Croodling

My iErection just leaked a little pre-technorgasm ejaculate into my shorts -- just a little.


Blogger reenee said...

The best part of my phone was that it was way less than $500, and it still rings and allows me to make phone calls.

I'll save my croodling for the many "hands on" methods available.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

In general, I agree. Before I got this job, I didn't own a cell phone, found the idea of instant and never-ending accessibility undesirable. Now, however, one of the great things about being a Web site test monkey is that my company pays for all my new gadgets, the idea being I need to be able to test our Web site's code against every possible platform, operating system, and browser -- and that I might as well keep the stuff afterwards as a perk of the job.

So whether I like it or not, I'm going to end up owning one of these. But I'm probably going to like it.

1:06 AM  

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