Monday, January 08, 2007

To Make Ordering Easier, They've Got Them Listed as Ultra, B-List, and C-List Stars. In Other Words, No Kathy Griffith

In 2003 a young man from Sweden came to visit us in Los Angeles. He pitched us the wildest idea we had ever heard of. At the time, we all just laughed at him. The idea was so off the wall and far-fetched that it made riding a tricycle through the grand canyon seem like Childs play. Two years later, in 2005, the man contacted us again. This time, he wanted to show us a list of celebrities who had already expressed interest in his idea. We were blown away by the names on that list, and immediately contacted him for a collaboration. Today we are proud to present the result of this Swede's struggle and lifelong dream:

How does it work?

It's quite simple, really. As a result of a very successful direct campaign, celebrities from all over the world send us their pubes daily. We mount them, and offer them to you. All pubes are autographed by their donor. Needless to say, every piece is a unique work of art, A priceless collectible beyond anything ever seen or heard of before

"Priceless collectible": Right. And I've got the Mona Lisa of Pubes caught in my shower drain.


Blogger reenee said...

Damn Biff, you really do scour the net!

Intelligent and weird, always a winning combo.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

"Intelligent and weird." I'm adding that to my resume bio, although I don't think anyone will buy the intelligent part.

Weird? We got that all stocked up.

5:26 PM  
Blogger LeeSee said...

Someone will send money to these borderline characters.

It won't be me,this is just too flakey, gross and just plain unsanitary.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Well, yes and no: I mean, there are a couple of celebrities whose pubes I have more than a passing interest in, and although collecting them seems gross on its face, this is for charity, after all. What I'm saying is, let's wait to see which celebrities they get before we judge them.

4:19 PM  

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