Thursday, March 01, 2007

Did I Mention that Today Is National Pig Day?

Wonder Pizza of Italy will place America 's most popular food source in places never before available.

The innovative machine holds, cooks and serves 9” whole pizza pies in just 2 minutes. There are 3 different pizzas available in each machine at one time. Delicious Connie’s Pizza of Chicago is featured in all WonderPizza Kiosks. 5 years and 6 million dollars of R&D went into this design and subsequent manufacture of WONDERPIZZA of Italy and the product is now beginning worldwide distribution.

WONDERPIZZA of Italy will place America's most popular food source in places heretofore unavailable.

It is an appealing, convenient, hot, nutritious, tasty pizza delivered in approximately two minutes.

That sound you hear is the geological high priest hurriedly giving Last Rites to the North American tectonic plates dying beneath the crush of our children's chubby little feet.

Let us pray.


Blogger reenee said...

Ya think the cooking will kill the bacteria that will be gathering while they wait to be chosen?

7:32 PM  

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