Tuesday, March 06, 2007

“Quid Pro Quo, Clarice. Quid Pro Quo”

A group of New Zealand school boys who snuck off to watch topless men and women parade on motorbikes, have been busted after appearing on the front page of a newspaper enjoying the spectacle.

The students from Shirley Boys' High School in Christchurch have been given detentions for truancy after appearing on the front page of The Press, the newspaper reported.

Six of the boys appeared clearly on the newspaper, dressed in school uniforms and cheering on the parade.

The event, called Boobs on Bikes, is held in various New Zealand cities during the year to promote a sex expo.

Bare-chested women and men take part in the parade, driving slowly around on motorcycles.

The boys did not miss any classes, but had used their lunch passes to head to the parade, rather than to go home for lunch.

Yeah, I bet that was a tough call.

This can't be a shock to anyone, can it? There were bare-chested women slowly rolling through the streets of the city on—let's face it—huge, gas-powered vibrators, and a bunch of horny adolescents from an all-boys schools skipped lunch to go see them. Seriously, by show of hands, who's surprised by this really?

I'm only shocked that the little buggers didn't have signed notes on them when they were busted. If this had happened in my hometown, Boobs-on-Bikes would have been the closest thing Fayetteville ever had to Take Your Son to Work Day—except it would have had better participation by the fathers.


Blogger reenee said...

I hope the boys grabbed lunch while they were out. After all, growing boys need to keep up their strength for their next adventure, which will no doubt include sunglasses.

9:56 PM  

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