Monday, June 18, 2007

Win, Lose, Whatever: I'm Never Going to Stop Saying, "Barrack You"

You seem to float on to the floor,
Democratic Convention 2004.
I never wanted anybody more
Than I want you.

So I put down my Kerry sign
Knew I had to make you mine.
Smart, black, sexy, you're so fine,
'Cause I got a crush on Obama . . .

You’re into border security
Let’s break this border between you and me.
Universal health care reform, it makes me warm.
You tell the truth unlike the Right.
You can love, but you can fight.
You can Barack me tonight.
I’ve got a crush on Obama.

As I told Harold Ford, when he was running for office, brother, you've got to leave those white women alone.

In this case, by "white women," I mean, "Hilary Clinton," because, clearly, she's the only person who benefits by having this well-produced video out there. [Please wear your tin-foil helmets when you read that. Otherwise, it won't make sense.]


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