Monday, September 29, 2008

I Am a Consummate Tease and an Inveterate Flirt

Responding to the accusation made by Republicans who changed their votes because of something Speaker Pelosi said in her speech on the House floor.

Barney Frank: I am appalled. Frankly, that's an accusation against my Republican colleagues that I would not have ever thought of making.

Here's the story: There's a terrible crisis affecting the American economy. We have come together on a bill to alleviate the crisis, and because somebody hurt their feelings, they decide to punish the country. I mean, I would not have imputed that degree of pettiness and hypersensitivity…

I mean, we also have as a leader, who will tell you—who has been working with them—we don't believe they have the votes, and I think they are covering up the embarrassment of not having the votes.

But think about this: “Somebody hurt my feelings, so I will punish the country.” I mean, that's hardly plausible. And there are twelve Republican members who are ready to stand up for the economic interests of America, but not if anybody insults them.

I'll make you an offer: give me those twelve people's names and I will go talk uncharacteristically nicely to them. And tell them what wonderful people they are, and, maybe, they will now think about the country.

Nice try, Barney, but I'm still not going to blow you. I am thinking about it, though, so keep pitching your politically witty woo.


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