Thursday, July 16, 2009

The King of Smart-Assery for Today is Dalton Duncan. All Hail, Dalton (and if You're a Cheerleader at Redmond Jr High, Let Him Get to Second Base).


Student Dalton Duncan

Teacher K. Kruse

Reason for detention: Another student made the comment “You need to push it in further” (innocent comment) and Dalton added “That's what she said.”

Report to room Stage by Lunch and remain until end of lunch

I know this is hard to believe, but I was a bit of a smart-ass when I was younger, so I know: One hour of detention during lunch for that comment—totally worth it.


Blogger Unknown said...

the detention slip was shown to me by dalton at the after school program I run at his junior high... i have the origional in my office...

dalton is actually the smart ass of the world... i love it!

8:52 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

That's awesome. Then, I can look forward to reports of his future shenanigans.

I knew when I heard about this that the Internet hadn't heard the last of him.

12:26 PM  

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