Thursday, December 10, 2009

But Then, She's Had My Heart since the Debut of Her Band, The Sugarcubes, back in the 80s

Seth Myers: America's not the only country facing widespread recession, but no nation has experienced the financial crisis worse than Iceland, whose economy and government have completely collapsed. Here to comment is Iceland's most famous resident, Björk.

Björk: Greetings, Snarf! How is your skeleton?

Seth Myers: Um, good. How is your skeleton?

Björk: It's itchy.

Seth Myers: So tell us, Björk, what's the situation in Iceland right now?

Björk: It's very bad. Many Icelanders cannot afford basic necessities, like sklarch and flirp.

Seth Myers: That sounds grim.

Björk: It is the worst tragedy in our nation's history, worse than the Great Narwhal Robbery of 1301 or the Reindeer Uprising of 2012. [stage whisper] It's coming.

…It's clear things are not good. Even the bailout was a disaster.

Seth Myers: Okay, so what was the bailout?

Björk: Our prime minister took all of our money and tied it to a horse, and then, took the horse and ran him into the ocean.

Seth Myers: Wow. Can't believe that backfired.

How can your country rebound from this collapse?

Björk: First, I think we should change our currency. Instead of using paper money, I think we should pay for things with clouds.

Seth Myers: Yeah, I'm starting to think you're not the most qualified person to talk about Iceland's economy.

Unsurprisingly, I'm oddly attracted to her.

What can I tell you? Loves me some crazy women.


Blogger reenee said...

In fact, she just might be more qualified than the Bozos we've got here.

10:29 AM  

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