“Thank You, Oprah. I Agree. It Is the Greatest Book You've Ever Read.”
Posting has been light, as you've probably noticed (or, more likely, didn't). It's National Novel Writing Month, and I've been distracted, spending way too much time on my roman à clef of a young boy coming of age in the 70s, struggling to understand what it means to be a man in the new age of women's liberation, black militancy, and “passing” in post-Civil Rights Movement America.
To explain the plot further at this point would be difficult, but if you can imagine a story that marries Shaft and Sounder, you're half-way there. It's tentatively entitled Please Don't Dunk This Oreo.
And, yeah, it's practically writing itself, page after page after page. It almost feels like I'm cheating. I mean, at this rate, I might write two novels, this one and its sequel, What Part of ‘Please Don't Dunk the Oreo’ Didn't You Get?
So until I'm back to blogging in full force, I hope stuff like this video of snowboarding gone wrong will tide you over.
We'll be hoping for an autographed copy.
All of the readers of this blog will be listed in the acknowledgements, all four of you, so, yeah, you'll get an autographed copy—whether you want one or not.
You're a brave man, Mr. Loman. I never got beyond coming up with a title for my NaNoWriMo opus (which I conveniently disremember).
Ironically, I'm working on a book proposal right now. It's a roman à clef of a young boy coming of age in the 80s, struggling to understand what it means to be a man in the new age of skinny ties and really bad hair-dos, Quebecois militancy, and "passing" in post-Quiet Revolution Canada. Totally original, yes?
Hmm, I smell a zeitgeist.
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