Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's True: Once You Enter the City Limits, It's Clothing-Optional

Cover your eyes and lock up your children. The light rail is going streaking.

Well, almost.

“It makes people go, ‘What the f?’” said Kelsey Wildstone, co-organizer of the first-ever “No Pants!” light-rail ride, happening today.

“As long as you're covered and buy a ticket, there's nothing wrong with it.”

If all goes to according to plan, the “No Pants” ride from Westlake Center to Sea-Tac Airport should be exactly what it sounds like — a lot of people riding a train in their undies.

In Seattle, we only see the sun for 365 seconds a year—and it's raining through 364 of those. Try to keep your clothes on while living with that. I dare you.

Until then, don't judge us.


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