Saturday, February 05, 2005

Well, I Can Kiss That Security Deposit Good-bye

Sorry about the lack of posts this week, but I've been cleaning and preparing to move. Next week, I begin a new career in Seattle, doing this and that for a start-up Internet company, and I've been forced to abandon cyberspace for the real world, (which if you haven't been there in a while, let me tell you, is still filled with unscrubbed toilets, mildewed showers, and un-Hoovered dust bunnies the size of poodles). As soon as I've tidied this place up — I'm thinking it would probably be easier at this point to set the place ablaze and relocate with the insurance money — and I'm settled in the Great Northwest, I'll be back here filling this space with nonsense.

You have the Loman Guarantee on that.

Until then, go read one of those witty, wry bastards listed under "What I'm Reading." If you don't know where to begin, try here and here and, oh, here and, of course, here.


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