Saturday, August 27, 2005

I've Got Four Words for the Teens Who Can Remain Celebate for Five Months: Welcome to Biff Country

No Sex Please, We're Teenagers is the brainchild of Christian youth workers Dan Burke and Rachael Gardner, who beg the question, "Where's a sexually active priest when a couple of kids really need one?"

The duo are to set up a "Romance Academy" to teach the teenagers the ways of good old-fashioned courting, rather than the booze-fuelled romp that led to one of the young folks, 15-year-old Wesley, losing his virginity at the age of 12.

Of the teens, all from Harrow in northwest London, three will start the show with their virginity intact.

They include 17-year-old Andre, who became a Christian after hearing a speech on saving sex for marriage...

That must have been some speech.

The only speech that ever made me celibate was "No. Not with you. Not ever." And it had a limited shelf life.


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