Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tell Us about the Foreskin, Grandpa! Tell Us about Your Foreskin!

"I am covered and have overhang." R. Wayne Griffiths, 70 and a grandfather, is speaking frankly about his foreskin -- which really is the only way one can speak on that topic. More to the point, he is gleefully describing the sensation of having his foreskin back after decades of living with a circumcised penis. "It's delightful," he says.

I don’t know about you, but when 70-year-old grandfathers start talking about their foreskins, I move away – far, far away – and quickly, long before they can get to the “It’s delightful” part. But that’s just me, weird, prudish me.

Of course that Victorian pose is nowhere to be seen when grandma starts talking about her labia. Uh, uh, when that old girl starts getting gynecological, I’m all ears, rapt and encouraging, full of “mm, hmm”s and “you go, girl!”s. You should hear her. Really, there’s no comparison. Unlike granpa’s speaking frankly about his foreskin, grandma talking about her wizened love curtains, that’s good stuff.


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