Monday, August 22, 2005

Remember Mary Kay Letourneau? Well, He's the Mary Kay of the Horsey Set. Or He Was. Rest His Soul

Growing up in Seattle, we always knew those motherfuckers in Enumclaw were weird, but 'the farm?' We had absolutely no fucking idea that the shit existed, I swear.

It's been said, no man know-eth the hour and manner of his death. And while I'm not one to argue with scripture -- or something I cobbled together that sounds scripture-ish -- I can say this with some degree of certainty. Though I have no clue as to the hour, true enough, I know this about the manner: It won't be because Trigger forgot the safe word.

And that link IS NOT SAFE FOR ALL READERS: IT INVOLVES CONGRESS BETWEEN A MAN AND A HORSE (a picture is included with the article). You've been warned.


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