Tuesday, December 13, 2005

[Insert -Law and Order- Sound Here]

Ernesto Hedges, a former Tampa police officer, was accused of molesting two 9-year-old girls during a family gathering. Hedges, 50, faced spending the rest of his life in prison.

His defense team seemed ill prepared. One attorney, known as the 'Traffic Ticket King of Tampa,' had never tried a sex abuse case. He had taken no depositions, hired no experts and had no idea Hedges faced a mandatory prison sentence of 25 years until it was announced in court.

During the trial, Allan chided Hedges' lead attorney, Jorge Chalela, for appearing to convict his client. 'I believe you used the words, 'it happened,' and I think what you really meant is that it allegedly happened or allegations took place.'

In rambling closing arguments, Chalela talked about everything from Socrates to semen to his own testicles.

I am a layman, ignorant of the ways of the law, but it seems to me, if you're up on sexual abuse and molestation charges, stemming from alleged acts you conducted on two nine-year-old girls, and your defense attorney starts talking about semen and his testicles -- and not in that good, exculpatory way -- you're going away. You're going away for a long time.

And, unfortunately for you, where you're going, there's going to be a lot of semen and a lot of testicles. And, there, they seem to be especially drawn to convicted child molesters.

I could be wrong. As I said, I'm a layman, ignorant in the ways of the law, but I've got a feeling about this -- a really strong feeling about this.


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