Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"Um, Rick. There's Only One 'O' in 'Loser'"

At its own expense, The Cirlot Agency created an advertising campaign entitled 'Mississippi, Believe It!'

Rick Looser, the agency's chief operating officer, says many Mississippians have found themselves wincing at regional prejudice.

Looser says the rest of the country thinks that the Mississippi portrayed in movies and TV is reality, and even though the state has changed over the past 50 years, its image hasn't.

The ad campaign consists of numerous posters depicting famous Mississippians and notable state history designed to send a new message about the magnolia state.

One advertisement reads: 'Yes we can read. Some of us can even write.'"

Another reads, "We don't lynch Niggras -- much." Yet, another says, "Mothers and Daughters: You can fuck them, too."

Nope, this ain't the Mississipi of the youth.


Blogger Circa Bellum said...

Yeah, those of us in "the know", who have actually been to Mississippi, know that it's much worse than the movies portray. The stories of ignorance, illiteracy, lynching and sodomy are heights these people aspire to achieve. And, one day they will...

6:14 AM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

And that's what I admire the most about them. They want to get better, and they're willing to work to make their dreams come true.

Not like those bastards in South Carolina. Don't get me started on them.

1:56 PM  

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