Sunday, February 05, 2006

Why, You're Not the Usual French Maid (Bow-Chicka-Bow-Bow)

Q: I discovered my 14-year-old son viewing pornography on the computer. When vacuuming his bedroom, I found pornographic magazines under his bed. How should I handle this?

A: ...His sexual side is not going away. He needs to manage it appropriately. Therefore, you need to open up a conversation that fits with your values and that will help him develop a healthy approach to sexuality. It's important to know your child. Ask yourself, "How can I offer information without making him clam up, turn defensive or sneakier? How can I communicate so he will eventually come to me with his questions?"

Well, for one, you can stop using "vacuuming" as an excuse to search his room for porn, drugs, and whatever else you think he's hiding from you. It undermines the foundation of trust needed to discuss these things.

Oh! and where the good doctors says, "it's important to point out that what he sees at a pornographic Internet site or in a magazine does not depict commitment or respect between partners," I find it's important to point out that that's exactly the appeal of porn in the first place.

As always, I'm surprised I have to tell you this.

This has been another Public Service Announcement from Biff Loman and The Truth*


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