Monday, June 05, 2006

"Meh, It's Show Business"

If you woke up today thinking to yourself you'd really like to see OJ Simpson having sex with two prostitutes then you're in luck. And also a freak of nature. Celebrity sex tape distrubutor David Hans Schmidt released an OJ sex tape on Saturday and it features such lovely scenes as OJ snorting cocaine in the bathroom with one of the women while the other goes through his pants and takes money from his wallet. . . .

Simpson's lawyer, Yale Galanter, said that while his client may appear fully clothed in portions of the tape, the man having sex 'is an imposter.' 'This tape is garbage,' said Galanter. 'And we can prove it.' Galanter added, "If the condom don't fit, you must acquit.

I was going to take the high road on this, in other words, leave that last part out of the quote, but then, I realized I was talking about OJ, and there is no high road with the Juice.

Plus, I resisted calling the sex tape a snuff film, so good on me, I say.


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