Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Under-Ease: "Before Someone You Love Has to Kill You"

For the past 32 years of my life, I've suffered with Crohns Disease, and Inflamatory Bowel Syndrome which causes symptoms of diarrhea and excesssive foul smelling gas. The embarrassment and consequent social anxiety would many times actually increase these symptoms.

I am a clinical psychologist in private practice and it has been tremendously embarrassing when I pass gas while working; often with little or no control. The most embarrassing moment of my working career was when a client said,'It smells like sewage in here!' My professionalism melted when I falsely explained to the client that what he was smelling was the foul stench of failure that clung to everything he did, including our sessions, which I then ended.

My devoted husband of 30 years had also struggled with sleeping in the same bed with me, and it would sometimes interfere with our intimacy. My children could laugh at it, but would leave the room. I noticed an increase in my symptoms when I was embarrassed about the foul smelling gas.

On one Thanksgiving night, as my husband and I were lying in bed after a wonderful dinner, the foul smell became unbearable for both of us. My husband ruminated, thinking,"I can't divorce my wife over this, but I have to do something. But what? I know. I'll kill her."

For the past 5 years, I have worn these underwear when I've had an acute Crohns attack with complete security. There has been no trace of bad gas odors. My social anxiety and embarrassment has been eliminated. In fact, I noticed I pass less gas when I wear the underwear, because I am calm, secure, and comfortable.

Your underpants literally saved my life.

She doesn't mention how these wonder pants cured her diarrhea.

We are left to guess what kind of damage it has wreaked upon her -- how the leakage affected her practice, her holidays and love life, how it inspired her husband again do her harm.

Maybe, unlike flatulence, anal leakage is something everyone can live with, with patience, understanding, and good humor. Maybe, it's the mark of a civilized society, how it treats its most bowel-challenged.

And, maybe -- just maybe -- we should stop looking to our underpants for the solutions to all of our problems. It's a lot to think about, but if we can design an undergarment capable of miracles like this, I think, we're ready to handle the big questions.


Blogger reenee said...

That looks suspiciously like a giant stopper.

6:03 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Which I'm guessing would address the diarrhea thing.

For people suffering, these are probably a godsend.

I just hope that in the future, they get Victoria's Secret to help them out with the design.

I could hardly keep a sexy thought in my head looking at those bloomers.

6:37 PM  
Blogger LeeSee said...

Where would you get a stopper that size, at Home Depot?

2:21 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Or the Hustler Store.

5:26 PM  

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