Monday, June 25, 2007

Rest in Peace, Mr. Simmons

“Now, this thing is called the ‘Thagomizer,’ after the late Thag Simmons.”

Gary Larson, creator of The Far Side, crossed over into anatomical nomenclature with a 1982 comic in which a caveman teaches a class this faux-scientific word. . . . But when fossil evidence suggested that the dinosaur used its stego-tail as a weapon, scientists co-opted the moniker. . . . These days, the word appears in reference books and museum exhibits. . . .”

Of course, in the exhibit at the Creation Museum, they have a Roman soldier using a Thagomizer, given to him by the Jewish leadership, to rip the flesh off of our lord and savior. The exhibit cites Mel Gibson as the source for the information — which explains why the soldier is heard referring to Mary as “Sugar Tits.”


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