Tuesday, September 30, 2008

But, Honestly, It Would Have Been Much Worse Had They Mic-ed a Group of Elderly Black People for the Debate—Much, Much Worse

Jon Stewart: For all the post-debate spin, there's really only one group whose opinion of the debate matters—swing voters—like the elderly Jews in Florida who proved so crucial in 2000. Who might they accidentally vote for this time around?

For insight we turn to our Senior Senior Correspondent Wyatt Cenac. Wyatt.

Wyatt: [after watching the debate and moderating his panels comments] … It was a lively discussion, but, perhaps, the last word should go to Art.

“In four or five weeks, we are going to elect a president of the United States, and we're sitting here talking over irrelevant nonsense.”

On second thought, let's end with this.

Woman observing Michelle Obama on the stage at the conclusion of the debate: She's a big horse, isn't she? I shouldn't say that. That's nothing against her.

Her husband: Who?

Woman observing Michelle Obama on the stage at the conclusion of the debate: Michelle. She's a …

Her husband: She's got a big tuchis.

Woman observing Michelle Obama on the stage at the conclusion of the debate: She's a big horse, I said.

Her husband: Well, a lot of black women have big thighs.

Woman observing Michelle Obama on the stage at the conclusion of the debate: Not all of them. They have to come from a certain tribe.

Oy vey, do we ever need The Great Schlep.


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