Friday, June 15, 2012

I Hate to Say It, but Given How Things Are Going, Nathaniel's Going to be Tea Bagged before He Reaches Middle School unless Someone Breaks the Ball Cycle

Conan: Wait a minute. Your story's changing. You went from your sister stole your teddy bear — which is a great blues song, by the way — to your sister didn't really take your teddy bear just pushed your teddy bear off the bed and you caught it.

I've got to be honest with you, Summer. This isn't the most terrible story I've ever heard. And I've heard some bad things.

What's that?

Summer: It is when you live it.

Of course, the kid with the most terrible story to tell — the kid born to sing the blues — is a black kid.

Nathaniel, I feel you, brother.

via Jezebel


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