Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Asks Disaster Victim, "May I Feel Your Pain?"
He's the Bill Clinton of South America — but with much better taste in women.
*ACTUAL TRUTH MAY VARY--particularly in the sketchier areas of human knowledge and achievement: business, mathematics, the hard sciences, and the like -- oh! and economics. (I really suck at economics.)
you underestimate our boy, Bill. Friends of Bill will be the first to tell you that P-daddy is right - Cambodian Breasts Milk is the finest kind. Until you bring me Chavez suckling at the breast while the child looks on, I refuse to allow him to supplant Bill.
Nice try, West Coast Boy...
When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I can admit it: Bill's the pimp daddy.
But I stand by my evaluation of his taste in women.
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