Friday, May 05, 2006

You Catch More Flies with a Rational Argument than You Do with a Laughable Exaggeration. No, That's Not It, Either

A senior prank at Huntsville High School went too far Thursday.

The halls are noisy on any given day at the school, but Thursday they were chaos after a group of seniors lured a homeless man into the halls, having him streak for a laugh.

Not everyone found it funny.

. . ."Today it's a naked homeless man," said homeless advocate Aladdin Beshir. "Tomorrow it could be a dead homeless man

Now, do you see the error of your ways? If you'd just waited until tomorrow, you could have had him for free. Patience, kids: The lesson for today is patience.

No, wait. That's not it. Um, wow, I had it on the tip of my tongue. Come back to me.

Damn, I always freeze up on tests.


Blogger Circa Bellum said...

See, I'm sitting here reading this post thinking, "there's lots funnier pranks that having a homeless streaker," when I get to the part about the homeless guy having hepatitis C and tuberculosis. I started to chuckle, then a snort and fell out on the floor in a raucous guffaw. Now that there is funny. I don't care who you are...

7:34 AM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

My favorite part was the part where the young girl who thought this was funny said that this was a good way for the homeless guy to make money. When the fairer sex is cold and uncaring toward others, that's hilarious.

1:26 PM  

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