Thursday, November 23, 2006

A 2004 Democratic Primary Recap

"Sharpton spoke concise, elegant circles around his opponents. But alas, he was black.

So this guy became the front runner: Dean. Howard Dean."

And people wonder why I can't get excited about all the Obama For President hype.


Blogger reenee said...

While I admit that I must learn more about Barack Obama, and what he stands for, I already know that Al Sharpton is an opportunistic, obnoxious, loud mouth liar. Black or white, he'd never get elected.
I know what you're saying, Chimp Boy had less to offer, but I'm hoping that the country has smartened up a bit. . . or . . . failing that, that there will be less voter fraud.

12:32 AM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

I'm hoping that the country has smartened up a bit. . . or . . . failing that, that there will be less voter fraud.

Go with with voter fraud. That's your strong suit.

Although I don't disagree with your objections to Al Sharpton, I will say this to his credit. He was undeniably the most articulate champion of the Democrats' platform and tenets during the last campaign.

To a person, the others -- even former Repubican Dean, Mr. "I'm the only Democrat running for the Democratic nomination -- was claiming as much right-of-center Republican issues as they could. That's a great electoral strategy, as Clinton proved, but it's not good for democratic politics.

If a candidate wants to run on Republican principles, he should become a Republican. And if the country wants to elect candidates that represent Republican principles, it should. As a progressive, left-of-center voter, I hate to say that because I know what the implications of saying a conservative nation deserves conservative representation means.

But I believe in the market place of ideas and I believe when ideas are debated honestly, that people can be transformed by the more compelling idea. I believe that so deeply that I'd rather lose with the right ideas than win with fraudulent candidates.

11:08 AM  
Blogger reenee said...

. . . He was undeniably the most articulate champion of the Democrats' platform and tenets during the last campaign.

I noticed that, but then look who else was there.

But I believe in the market place of ideas and I believe when ideas are debated honestly, that people can be transformed by the more compelling idea. I believe that so deeply that I'd rather lose with the right ideas than win with fraudulent candidates.

I very much agree with this, as long as people's minds are open enough to accept new idea and thoughts, yet not so open that their brains fall out.

1:54 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

"Pardon the gibberish," he said, retrieving his brain from his keyboard. "I think I was still high on triptophan when I wrote that.

"Nope, I believe in a dictatorship of the Biff, and only the Biff. Anything else is a ruse, to keep my plans secret until after I have the support of the military, the proper backing for my Coup.

"Democracy? Phbbt! That idea was still born in the 1800s."

2:29 PM  
Blogger reenee said...

I know someone that once told me that one day he would be the High Lord and Master of Everything Imaginable.
I now wonder if you are you and who you say you are based on what you have now said. From the beginning, I thought you were you, however, with this new revelation you might be not who you say that you are but someone else altogether. Then I thought that perhaps you're simply trying to fool the huddled masses because if you are who I think you might be, then the huddled masses are merely peasants that do not need to really know who you are.

5:50 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Yes, I know, and it's true, but shhh! for now. To reveal myself at this moment in time would be premature.

It be premature to say, however, that there will be a place for women like you in the New World.

6:11 PM  

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