Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It's Not the Early Hours, but the Commute that Kills You. I Heard That

Last night I didn't fall sleep until early in the morning.
And I've got a long day ahead of me. . .
So, what the hell is making me smile at seven thirty-five in the morning?

You'll have to watch to find out, but I'll tell you, it's a pretty amazing short film, Oscar-nominated even. (The QuickTime version on the home site -- at the linked location - looks better, FYI.)

Damn catchy tune, too: A las seite treinta y cinco a la manana*

*Actual translation might vary, as I took Spanish over 20 years ago, and I wasn't a very cunning linguist then. I'm worse now. For all I know, that's just Bifflish. Apologies to Spanish-speaking peoples everywhere. (On the bright side, you were spared having to hear me speak it.)


Blogger reenee said...

Actually, that was pretty good. . . even though I'd probaly have said " . . . de la mañana."

Hope you have a great holiday Biff.

8:06 PM  
Blogger Biff Loman said...

Happy holiday to you, too, Reenee. Does tomorrow count as a holiday worth spending the time to make . . . Was it tamales that you and Leesee had the the payoff-versus-time to make discussion over? I can't recall. Anyway, I hope you have a good time with your family or loved ones (if they are not one and the same).

8:32 PM  
Blogger reenee said...

Thank you Biff. Yes we did have that discussion about tamales, she considers it a worthy payoff, while I never have. Tamales is one tradition that I was always happy to ditch. I leave that for someone else to slave over, after all, I no longer eat them, and the drudgery might chip my nail polish. Besides, I'm not one to do something simply because my culture identifies with it. I know who I am already, I don't need reminders. Even Mom gave up asking me to make tamales anymore.
Thanksgiving, turkey and all, has always been embraced by our family, mostly I think because it's considered a kickoff to the rest of the holiday season. Plus, everyone loves a party, so despite the skewed history of this day, we do it.

10:07 PM  

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