Monday, November 20, 2006

"Hey, Y'all, Watch This!"

At times like this, I really miss the South.


Blogger reenee said...

That is one nutty dude.

8:59 PM  
Blogger giornalista said...

Hee haw hawwww.... I wonder what he calls it. Might I suggest "Cracker Mountain"? I hope the next ride at his inbred white people theme park is a cousins-only Tunnel of Love...

BTW: where's your pithy commentary on FOX's slash to the jugular of OJ's budding literary career or the whole "Kramer is a racist moron and Jerry Seinfeld got him to do a 'sincere' after-the-fact apology on Letterman because he's worried it's going to affect Seinfeld DVD and syndication revenue" kerfufle? C'mon man, yours is a perspective that jaded, left-of-center, pigmentally challenged infotainment consumers like me can't find on, the Daily Show or Colbert Report. Well, Colbert's show does have Tim Meadows doing ironic black (who says "Afro-American" anymore?) republican schtick, but he hasn't been funny since "The Ladies Man" on SNL... wait, that wasn't funny either.

Actually, you should call them. You're funny, shameless and mildly sociopathic (in a good way!)

Actually, I know a guy who can get you a fake ivy-league diploma and a bar mitzvah certificate (re: Jon Stewart's self-mocking Emmy acceptance speech from a while back). Not sure if they have a physical exam to verify the latter, so you'd be on your own for that.

10:34 AM  

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