Friday, August 17, 2007

She Chose That Costume because It Was the Only One that Allowed Her to Show Off Her Tattoo. Don't Judge

Although it might not be a surprise to you that Manhattan Beach has the hottest volleyball tournament, we had only heard rumors of the infamous Six Man and didn't believe the unreal hype. . . .

But what we discovered to be even cooler was the crowning jewel of Surfest, the all-day, all-night Six Man vball tourney where you can see pros mixing it up with their bros, and you can also be amazed and amused at some of the most beautiful, uh, costumes this side of Halloween.

Why don't my friends (I'm looking at you, Reenee and LeeSee) tell me about these thing? Because they don't, instead of getting the truth about hot beach action, I'm left to pick it up in the street.

And if it's like everything thing else I've picked up that way, it's going to be greatly exaggerated and treatable with penicillin.


Blogger reenee said...

Biff, you have so much on your mind as it is, it seemed prudent to not trouble you with tales of bikini clad women.

Not only that, you're quite resourceful when it comes to sniffing out these types if things, if you'll pardon the expression.

11:36 PM  

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